Tag: Lazer Ryderz

Gen Con and PAX West!

Gencon leaving update

Hello, Cardboard Fortress fans! We’re gearing up to head to Gen Con in just a few days! We’ll be demoing Lazer Ryderz in the Greater than Games demo room, which is room 145. Come by and check the game out! Level 99 Games will be at booth 2149, and they’ll have RESISTOR_ for sale, so don’t forget to stop by there if you need a demo!

Our friends at the Tabletop Co-op will also be demoing and selling their games at booth 2840. Check out Conduct and Stiches by Norwester Games, Shadow Over Westminster by Counter Clockwork Games, and Phoenix Covenant by Hikari Games.

Speaking of the Tabletop Co-op, we’ll be at PAX West with them this year! We’ll have more details soon, but right now we can tell you we’ll be in room 208 with some really amazing game developers!

That’s all for now! Come say hello at Gen Con this week and we might just have some fun surprises for anyone who wins a game of Lazer Ryderz!

Signing off,
-Nicole & Anthony

Massive update – PAX East, Lazer Ryderz getting published, E3, and much more!

Hello fans! Nicole here. We’ve been super busy here in Cardboard Fortress land!
Christopher Badell and Douglas Morse playing Lazer Ryderz with Anthony!
Christopher Badell and Douglas Morse playing Lazer Ryderz with Anthony!

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