Tag: Kobolds!

Massive update – PAX East, Lazer Ryderz getting published, E3, and much more!

Hello fans! Nicole here. We’ve been super busy here in Cardboard Fortress land!
Christopher Badell and Douglas Morse playing Lazer Ryderz with Anthony!
Christopher Badell and Douglas Morse playing Lazer Ryderz with Anthony!

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Our experience in the Indie MEGABOOTH at PAX Prime

Cardboard Fortress’ RESISTOR_ was chosen for the Indie MEGABOOTH at PAX Prime, and we had a complete blast while we were there. PAX Prime ran from Friday, August 29th to Monday, September 1st. We had exhibited at much smaller events, but this was like nothing we had ever experienced before. We showed the game to hundreds of people, including a few guys who played the game last year when we were showing it off on index cards. We even had a contest on the last day for people who wanted our hats! It was an amazing time, and we took plenty of pictures! Hit the jump for a full description, including loads of images.

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