Hello, Cardboard Fortress Games fans! We’re excited to announce that our new game, Lazer Ryderz, just launched on Kickstarter today! Read more
Hello, Cardboard Fortress Games fans! We’re excited to announce that our new game, Lazer Ryderz, just launched on Kickstarter today! Read more
It’s been a long time since we’ve updated, and so much has happened! Let’s see if I can make this succinct…
The RESISTOR_ Kickstarter is live, everyone! Check it out, back it, share it, spread the word!
Hello, fans of Cardboard Fortress Games! We have been extremely busy lately trying to get everything ready for Kickstarter. We were hoping to launch in mid to late January, but we’ve been delayed by quite a few things. We’re still getting our business set up, and we’re trying to finalize our manufacturing costs, as well as finish creating the Kickstarter page itself. We’re still working as hard as we can and will keep you updated.
In preparation for Kickstarter, we sent out some review copies around the world, and our first review has come in. It’s from the Windsor Gaming Resource, written by Moe Tousignant! And I love the title: I don’t think I’m going to be able to resist RESISTOR_. Perfect!
We’ll be posting more updates soon. For now, here’s an image of all the prototype copies about to travel to distant places: Read more
Hello, everyone! We’ve been quiet lately because we’ve been working hard getting the Kickstarter prepared, setting up our company, working on new art, and trying to learn all the ins and outs of contacting reviewers. It’s been a lot of fun but a ton of work!
We’ve set up a Board Game Geek page for RESISTOR_, so please go and become a fan, subscribe, and if you’ve played the game, please rate it! That would be really wonderful.
We also received our new prototype with Anthony’s new artwork! Hit the jump to check it out. Read more