Tag: Boston FIG
Post-Boston FIG Interview with Guys Games and Beer
The awesome guys at Guys Games and Beer interviewed us at Boston FIG (and gave us some tasty beer!), but their sound wasn’t good, so they asked us to do another interview over Skype! We had a blast with them discussing RESISTOR_, how we came up with the name of our company, and, of course, what we plan to do with those infamous hats. Oh, and how Larry is planning on cheating at the game. I am really looking forward to seeing how he’s going to do that!
Check out the video and/or audio at their website. They have some awesome pictures of RESISTOR_ on their Facebook page, too. Check that out, and their other Boston FIG pics!
Boston FIG Interview with Just Press Start
Just Press Start interviewed Anthony at Boston FIG! The full interview can be found at their website. They called him Anthony Kline instead of Anthony Amato, but he said they had already started recording and went into questions, so he didn’t want to correct them.
For Just Press Start’s full review of their time at Boston FIG, check out their notes from the show floor.
Sorry for the radio silence – we’ve been working hard on the game and the company. We’ll have more info soon!
Our first Boston FIG experience
On Saturday, September 13th, Anthony and I exhibited at the Boston Festival of Indie Games (Boston FIG for short). We had a great time! Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to take any pictures at all, because we had a table large enough to run two games of RESISTOR_ simultaneously, and we were almost always running two games. It was exhausting, but really fun! We saw so many people we knew – and I mean beyond our Philly buddies we went up there with, who we love hanging out with no matter what state we’re in. Read more
The good and bad of not getting into IndieCade
So, we got some news last night: RESISTOR_ didn’t make it into IndieCade. This is good and bad news for us.